Feeling stuck in your business? I can help you unlock your business's full potential

Struggling with Business Growth? 🚀

Are you feeling stuck in your business? Frustrated with slow growth or unsure how to reach more customers?

Hi, I'm Parsis Patel, a seasoned Digital Marketing Consultant with over 5 years of experience in driving business success through innovative digital strategies.

From Facebook and Instagram ads to SEO, content marketing, and more, I specialize in helping businesses like yours thrive in the digital landscape.

Why Choose Me?

  • Proven track record of increasing online visibility and sales
  • Customized marketing strategies tailored to your business
  • Expert in leveraging AI-powered tools for optimal results

Key Benefits of Booking a Consultation

  • Expert Guidance: Leverage 5+ years of digital marketing and AI automation expertise.
  • Customized Strategies: Tailored advice to suit your unique business needs.
  • Actionable Insights: Practical steps you can implement immediately.
  • Value for Money: Maximize your ROI with proven strategies and tools.

15-Minute Consultation

Perfect For: Business owners seeking quick advice or new to digital marketing and AI automation.

Price: Rs.199/-

Purpose: Initial Assessment and Quick Insights

  1. Introduction: Get to know each other and understand your business needs.
  2. Quick Diagnosis: Identify immediate challenges and opportunities.
  3. Actionable Tips: Receive a couple of quick, actionable strategies.
  4. Next Steps: Discuss potential for further, more detailed consultations.

20-Minute Consultation

Perfect For: Businesses needing a bit more guidance and strategy to tackle specific challenges.

Price: Rs.349/-

Purpose: Brief Strategy Session

  1. Introduction: Briefly discuss your business and goals.
  2. Focused Discussion: Dive into your primary challenges and objectives.
  3. AI Automation Overview: Understand how AI can streamline your business processes.
  4. Digital Marketing Insights: Get a snapshot of effective marketing tactics for your business.
  5. Action Plan: Receive a short-term action plan to kickstart improvements.

30-Minute Consultation

Perfect For: Businesses looking for a deeper analysis and strategic advice to drive growth.

Price: Rs.499/-

Purpose: In-Depth Analysis and Strategy Formulation

  1. Introduction: Comprehensive understanding of your business.
  2. Market Position Analysis: Brief assessment of your current market standing.
  3. AI Automation Benefits: Detailed discussion on relevant AI tools.
  4. Digital Marketing Strategy: Outline a strategic approach tailored to your business.
  5. Implementation Steps: Step-by-step guide to start implementing strategies.
  6. Q&A: Address any pressing questions.

1-Hour Consultation

Perfect For: Businesses serious about implementing comprehensive AI and digital marketing strategies for substantial growth.

Price: Rs.999/-

Purpose: Comprehensive Strategy Development and Planning

  1. Introduction: Thorough discussion to understand your business deeply.
  2. Detailed Assessment: In-depth analysis of your business model and market.
  3. AI Automation Deep Dive: Comprehensive overview of specific AI tools and their benefits.
  4. Digital Marketing Plan: Develop a robust marketing plan covering all essential channels.
  5. Case Studies: Learn from successful implementations relevant to your industry.
  6. Implementation Roadmap: Detailed roadmap with timelines and milestones.
  7. Feedback and Adjustments: Refine strategies based on your feedback.
  8. Q&A: Extensive time for all your questions and clarifications.

Ready to Transform Your Business?

Book your consultation today and start leveraging AI automation and digital marketing to drive your business growth!

Schedule Your Consultation Now!



Parsis Patel

Hi, I’m Parsis Patel, a Computer Engineer and Digital Marketer. 

Is your business struggling to grow? I can help! 

With my expertise in digital marketing and AI automation, I provide customized solutions to drive your business forward.

🌐 Maximize your online reach
💡 Smart marketing strategies
📈 Boost your online presence
🚀 Increase your sales
🤖 Automate your marketing
📊 Data-driven results

Parsis Patel
Digital Marketing Consultant

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